FIXED Intro, Outro, and Pixel-Hunting

Now that the game-jam is over and I can edit my game again, I have uploaded a new version of The Nymph's Laugh, which contains the following fixes:

  • I made the circle within which the stone-tablets become visible when the mouse-cursor gets close larger and wider (from 128x128px to 192x160px), since one of the jam's judges found that the circle was too small and encouraged a bad gameplay-style of pixel-hunting. The tablets are now easier to find with less or no pixel-hunting.
  • I changed two lines of text during the intro-sequence, since it was brought to my attention more than once that what Avon says about Deirdre's emotional behavior in the past does not necessarily match up with the randomized puzzle-solution, and can even be misleading in that regard. I have changed the two lines in question into negative statements which are thereby a bit more vague and no longer risk misleading the player.
  • I added a small animation where Deirdre turns around to face Avon at the end of the game. It is a small change, but emotionally important, I think. Additionally, Avon's character-graphic now looks a little bit more foggy during the end, to better suit the fogginess of Deirdre's character-graphic.
  • I changed it so the game begins with a quiet title-screen and a text-prompt instructing the player to click in order to start the game. The music and intro-sequence will only start once the player has clicked on the screen. I made this change because change because I realized that just beginning with the intro-sequence from the very first second was rather impractical for those whom I saw playing and streaming the game. A title-screen with a prompt to "Click to Start" gives players an opportunity to prepare before the game begins.

Files 28 MB
Oct 22, 2022

Get The Nymph’s Laugh

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